Bud Gordon-Chris Wojtecki Septet to play Dave Pell/Miles “Birth of the Cool”/Baker-Mulligan at PPJASS Second Sunday Affair

Gordon-Wojtecki Septet plays Pell/Miles/Baker-Mulligan at PPJASS (June 12, '16)
Gordon-Wojtecki Septet plays Pell/Miles/Baker-Mulligan at PPJASS (June 12, ’16)


A slight update to our program: Mr. Brad Eastin will be replaced by Mr. Tom Fowler on the Tenor Saxophone chair.

Hope to see everyone at the PPJASS Second Sunday affair on June 12 at 1:00PM.

There will be the usual fantastic jazz-loving crowd, the excellent food, and we’ll be playing some of the great music from a time when West Coast, Cool, and Hot could all co-exist in one band with great arrangements of classic tunes with top-notch ensembles and solos all the way through.

And we’ve still got the Super Secret Guest Vocalist on schedule……..don’t miss it!